Insights for:
Effectivenes & Productivity: What happened? Track changes as people return to office. Changes in our measures of E & P are a proxy for changes in productivity.
Returning to Office:
- What is the 6 ft distancing capacity of your space? Are limits being maintained or exceeded?
- Office "Bubbles" - who should be in bubbles together and how much cross-bubble interaction is taking place (risk)?
- Space utilization - How close to capacity? Are different "types" of space required?
- Covid Alerts - Enterprise anonymous contact tracing solutions. If an individual tests positive, inform those who may have been expoosed, anonymously.
Groups & Adjacencies:
- Which gorups should share space with each other? Sharing space has proven, increases in collaboration
- Campus & building planning (stacking) based on proximity of groups who work with each other
Covid Alerts:
- Enterprise contact tracing solutions to anonymously inform individuals exposed to an indivudual who has tested positive
- With the first workplace covid lawsuits filed, assure capacity and gathering guidelines are not exceeded and have the data available to confirm